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August 26, 2024
The Last Wonky Stars from Fret Not Yourself

You never know who is right but you always know who is in charge.


I've been helping my kids so this post is late. Here's the final wonky stars with two larger slab-center stars. There aren't very many but this layout might work with two simple borders. It's just not too exciting at the moment. 

There was just enough dark red to make the inner border a funny width { I think it was 1 7/8".} Then I pulled a white print to fill out the star border and cut it to fit. The outer ...

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July 23, 2021
wonky stars from Making A Lather

 Last year I made tiny wonky stars along with the color for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I had no idea what I was going to do with them. I just knew they were cute and fun. And, when I made the roofs for tiny houses, I had 2 little triangles left from trimming that needed a purpose. I made 60 0f them, but that isn't enough for anything.

Well, as I was trying to figure out how to lengthen my ode to Joey quilt, I realized I could use them to make a border or two ...

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August 15, 2020
Purple stars from Making A Lather

Last week, I stopped getting comments in my email...again. It took me three days to figure it out and change my settings again. I was using the new blogger. Was anyone else having that problem?

I have collected little bits of triangles, mostly, for the shoofly leader/ ender from last year. The size I am making uses 1 1/2 inch hsts. I am getting very close to finishing all the blocks I have kitted for that quilt, so, I can, with great abandon, use these little bits in a few of my rainbow projects.... or get rid of ...

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July 5, 2020
pink progress from Making A Lather

Happy fourth of July. May God bless America.

Last Saturday, we lost power during a short thunderstorm. When we lose power, we also lose water and flush toilets. I didn't get a chance to post the last of my pink projects for the rainbow scrap challenge. And, I didn't get a chance to visit other blogs for my weekly inspiration. I really missed that.
I make the wonky stars from 2 inch scraps and leftover triangle pieces.

I make the tiny houses from 2 inch scraps.

My final count for the pink dresdens is 12. That is a ...

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April 18, 2020
tiny blocks from Making A Lather

I found several blue scrap pieces small enough for the houses and the wonky stars. Note to self, If I start with houses, I will automatically have little triangles for the stars. Rumor has it that Kathy from Sane, crazy, crumby quilts is working on her top of tiny houses. She was the inspiration for these cute blocks. I can't wait to see it.

I don't really like making the stars - it takes longer than it looks, but, they are so cute, and I feel so virtuous using such little bits. Blue is the color for April for ...

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March 7, 2020
little bits from Making A Lather

I think these blocks are cute and fun. There is a link at the bottom of the post for the pattern. The rainbow scrap challenge color for the month of March is teal. I really like having a new color each month to help me weed out the useable scraps, and make something useful. These use 1 1/2 inch strips and squares.

I use the littlest triangle scraps for this fun wonky star block. Each block is a little surprise. The centers and background are 2 inch squares.

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:
 Irish chain
row ...

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February 11, 2020
tiny triangles and wonky stars from Making A Lather

My friend Judy gave me this little pint size bag of triangle cut offs from a project she was making. I saw orange in there, so I dumped the bag. Orange is the color of the month for the rainbow scrap challenge, and I have a few blocks that need orange. I was specifically looking for pieces for a small wonky star block. Well that started me down a rabbit hole, again. Judy has the best scraps.

The triangles were all different sizes, since, she had just cut these with scissors from the back of a flip corner. I picked ...

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January 17, 2020
Triple Play! Evening Stars, Luminary & Cottage Stars from The Cutting Table Quilt Blog - A Blog for Quilters by Quilters

We’re starting a new tradition here at Missouri Star: Triple Play! Once a month, Jenny, Misty, and Natalie will each demonstrate their own, unique take on a classic MSQC pattern.

Jenny’s Design

First up? Wonky Stars! Jenny incorporates those whimsical stars into a tiny-house table runner.

Misty’s Design

Misty goes country-cozy with a big, traditional quilt featuring 4-patch star centers.

Natalie’s Design

Natalie leans modern with a non-block layout featuring big Wonky Stars!

As always, each of these projects is quick, easy, and fun! Click HERE to choose a favorite!

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October 23, 2019
wonky star from Making A Lather

My goal was to make the tiny tuesday block called wonky stars. Each block finishes at 4 inches, so the scraps do not have to be very big. I searched through my little scraps for pink star points.

Each star point block is sewn free form and can be wonky. That is a fun way to sew. - no pressure

I webbed the rows together in a 9 patch kind of way.

And set on the diagonal for the tiny tuesday sampler.

I am linking to:

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September 5, 2016
Ik heb een.... from Marpie's Sewing Projects


Translation to be found left on this page!
Gisteren maakte ik nog twee wonky star blokken voor de achterkant en toen gebeurde het.....
Wat zou het leuk zijn als ik nog veel meer wonky star blokken voor de achterkant mag maken.
Het zijn handtekening-blokjes van de maaksters die ook een blok voor de voorkant hebben gemaakt.
Gauw uitrekenen hoeveel blokken heb ik nog nodig voor de voorkant.
In totaal ± 35 blokken, houd in nog 13 blokken (nee, voor mij een geluksgetal) te kort.
Mijn droom is..."wat als ik het op mijn blog en quiltforum van facebook gooi met ...

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